Shifting Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Spaces: An Investigation of a Faculty Online Teaching and Learning Initiative


  • Jayson W. Richardson University of Kentucky
  • Ericka Hollis
  • Mikah Pritchard
  • John Eric M. Novosel-Lingat



online learning, learning communities, blended learning, professional development


We examined the adoption of online teaching strategies by faculty members at a large midwestern research university who participated in a year-long learning community. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate changes in teaching approaches resulting from a year-long e-learning professional development initiative; and 2) to understand the perceptions of factors that influenced faculty members’ decision to adopt online or hybrid teaching approaches. The analysis was based on survey data and semi-structured interviews. Barriers, challenges, and successes to the adoption of online teaching strategies are also described in this article. 

Author Biography

Jayson W. Richardson, University of Kentucky

Department of Educational Leadership Studies


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Faculty, Professional Development, and Online Teaching