Learning How to Teach Languages Online: Voices from the Field


  • Carla Meskill University at Albany, State University of New York
  • Natasha Anthony Hudson Valley Community College
  • Gulnara Sadykova Kazan Federal University http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1868-8336




Online language teaching, professional development in online teaching, learning to teach online, teaching languages online, pre-covid


At this moment, fully online language courses are being taught all around the globe. In addition, blended courses offer an integration of online and live instructional experiences. This study examines who is instructing online language courses and what they point to as additive and advantageous to their online language teaching development. We set out to survey higher education faculty as to how they developed their knowledge and practices. Through an online survey and follow-up synchronous interviews, we asked practicing online language educators about the sources of their expertise. The resulting dataset has much to inform professional development and instructional support generally, as well as broader research and educator communities regarding the ongoing, open-ended, peer-supported, and social nature of this kind of educator learning. As more language educators move their instruction online, the question of how to maximize the pedagogical potential of the new medium can best be addressed by those who have successfully made and embraced this move.

Author Biographies

Carla Meskill, University at Albany, State University of New York

Carla Meskill, Professor, Department of Educational Theory and Practice, State University of New York, Albany, researches best uses of media and technologies in classrooms, in online instruction, and in educator professional development.

Natasha Anthony, Hudson Valley Community College

Natasha Anthony is Director, International Language Laboratory at Hudson Valley Community College, New York. She teaches Russian face-to-face and online. Her research focuses on the use of synchronous and asynchronous oral components in online language teaching.

Gulnara Sadykova, Kazan Federal University

Gulnara Sadykova, Associate Professor, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, Kazan Federal University (Russia). In her research, she examines child-teacher-technology interaction in the second/foreign language classroom and explores how digital technology may help to support bilingualism.


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