Manifestations of Cognitive Presence in Blended Learning Classes of the Philippine K-12 System


  • Juliet Aleta Rivera Villanueva University of the Philippines Open University
  • Petrea Redmond University of Southern Queensland
  • Linda Galligan University of Southern Queensland



Cognitive presence, blended learning, Community of Inquiry, Philippines, K-12, shared metacognition, self-regulation


Through an exploratory case study, this research sought to determine the applicability of the Community of Inquiry in the K–12 setting. There are research gaps to leverage support for blended learning and flexible learning options to benefit Filipino youth and school-leavers under the Alternative Delivery Mode of the Philippine K–12 system. This study was driven by the following research questions: How is cognitive presence manifested in the blended learning interactions? In what ways do the interactions of cognitive presence with the other presences characterize learning community building? Three blended learning classes were examined based on data collected through surveys, student focus group discussions, teacher interviews, class observations and archived data. Through constant comparison analysis and descriptive statistics, evidence revealed cognitive presence across its categories in the form of connectedness, collaborative work, trust and reciprocation, and shared views on technology by K–12 teachers and learners. The analysis affirmed “regulating learning” as the intersection of cognitive presence and teaching presence. Implications for practice and recommendations for further research are discussed through the study's proposed modifications on the cognitive presence categories, indicators, and the survey instrument for the K–12 setting where teacher-directed pedagogies or collaborative inquiry processes have not been thoroughly co-opted.

Author Biographies

Juliet Aleta Rivera Villanueva, University of the Philippines Open University

Assistant Professor 

Program Chair of the Dip/MA Social Studies Education 

Secretary to the Faculty of Education

UP Open University

Petrea Redmond, University of Southern Queensland

Professor Petrea Redmond (Digital Pedagogies)
Associate Chair, Consultative Council, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)

Research Director, Technology Enhanced Learning Research Collaborative

Linda Galligan, University of Southern Queensland

Associate Professor Linda Galligan

Head of School

School of Sciences

University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, AUSTRALIA

Associate editor: ALMJ (Adults Learning Mathematics)


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Advances in Cognitive Presence Special Issue of Online Learning