Teachers’ Self-Directed Online Learning Strategies and Experiences: A Longitudinal Study
teacher professional learning, self-directed learning, online learningAbstract
This study examines the strategies used by teachers during a series of self-directed online learning (SDOL) experiences. Over a period of four months, the authors met with 12 practicing elementary teachers three separate times. During the meetings, the teacher participants informally used the Internet for their professional learning in literacy. Their online navigations were captured using screen-recording software. Immediately following their navigations, a virtual revisit think aloud was conducted where participants verbalized their thoughts aloud while viewing a screen-recording of their navigation. Semi-structured interviews with each participant were conducted following the three meetings. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings relate to the cognitive and behavioral strategies in which participants engaged during their SDOL experiences and how these strategies changed over time.References
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