Student Perceptions of Effective Educators in Online Learning


  • Erica Kelly Lambton College
  • Julia Colella Lambton College
  • Angela Sottosanti-Kusnir Lambton College



online learning, synchronous, asynchronous, engagement, emergency remote teaching


This research project surveyed college students about their experiences with online learning in the aftermath of the move to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Specifically, students reported on strategies they appreciate in an online instructor. While students shared varied advice for best practices, their responses confirmed what previous studies have found: especially in this transitional period between ERT and post-pandemic learning, students value instructors who are flexible and empathetic. Additionally, our findings demonstrate that students value engagement (with their instructor, their course content, and their peers), flexible course design, clearly organized learning management systems, and regular communication. This knowledge can be used to guide online educators in course delivery. We recommend that instructors continue to check in with students about their learning needs and requests. 


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