Exploring the Relationships of Learners and Instructors in Online Courses





This quantitative study explored the relationship between student-instructor connectedness and student anxiety in online higher education courses. Research shows the value of student-instructor connectedness for student satisfaction in online learning. Utilizing the Connectedness and Anxiety items of the Student-Instructor Relationship Scale (Creasey, et al., 2009) in a large-scale cross-sectional survey with a representative sample of students at a comprehensive research university in the southeastern United States of America, we found significant relationships between the dependent variables (connectedness, anxiety, and motivation). Students with higher connectedness with instructor(s) tended to have higher motivation with lower levels of anxiety. In addition, students with higher anxiety were likely to show lower levels of motivation. Students perceived male instructors to form lower connectedness and male students and transfer students had higher levels of anxiety. Findings contribute to the field of instructor connectedness in online learning and have implications for higher education institutions and faculty considering increasing online learning offerings. We provide recommendations for building rapport and enhancing connectedness in online learning to decrease anxiety and increase student motivation.

Author Biographies

Sheri Conklin, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Dr. Sheri Conklin is an Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Prior to moving into this role, she worked as the Director of eLearning over a team of Instructional Designers. Her research interests include online course design, instructor social presence, and faculty professional development.

Beth Oyarzun, UNC Charlotte

Dr. Beth Oyarzun is a Clinical Associate Professor of Learning Design and Technology (LDT) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 

Stella Kim

Stella Kim is an assistant professor of educational research, measurement, and evaluation at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She teaches graduate level courses on educational statistics and measurement. Her research interests are test equating, classification consistency and accuracy, generalizability theory, and multidimensional item response theory.

Amy Garrett Dikkers

Dr. Amy Garrett Dikkers is a Professor in Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Her research is focused on teacher development and innovation in education (specifically online and blended learning).

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