Educational Mixology: A Pedagogical Approach to Promoting Adoption of Technology to Support New Learning Models in Health Science Disciplines
Blended learning, online learning, technology-enhanced learning, faculty development, health professions educationAbstract
For disciplines heavily reliant upon traditional classroom teaching, such as medicine and health sciences, incorporating new learning models may pose challenges for students and faculty. In an effort to innovate curricula, better align courses to required student learning outcomes, and address the call to redesign health professions education, Health Sciences Programs at The George Washington University (GW) embarked on two faculty development initiatives to encourage adoption of online, blended, and technology-enhanced courses. This article describes the Review, Refresh, Revise (R3) program, which relies on the evidenced-based Quality Matters Higher Education rubric, and resources from the Supported Media for Administration and Teaching (SMART) Lab to develop and promote a pedagogical approach to course redesign. It also presents preliminary data evaluating the programs in terms of faculty satisfaction, student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and learner engagement. Data analysis indicates faculty satisfaction with the R3 program and SMART Lab resources, despite faculty concerns regarding the time commitment of R3. It also indicated that both initiatives improved course quality, learning outcomes, and learner engagement. Analysis indicates student satisfaction with course revisions in online and technology-enhanced courses, although student satisfaction in the first fully blended course varied, particularly with regard to whether students found the use of technology engaging or essential to learning. Further research is required to understand student responses to blended learning in health sciences.References
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