An Instructor Learning Analytics Implementation Model
Learning AnalyticsAbstract
With the widespread use of learning analytics tools, there is a need to explore how these technologies can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Little research has been conducted on what human processes are necessary to facilitate meaningful adoption of learning analytics. The research problem is that there is a lack of evidence-based guidance on how instructors can effectively implement learning analytics to support students with the purpose of improving learning outcomes. The goal was to develop and validate a model to guide instructors in the implementation of learning analytics tools. Using design and development research methods, an implementation model was constructed and validated internally. Themes emerged falling into the categories of adoption and caution with six themes falling under adoption including: LA as evidence, reaching out, frequency, early identification/intervention, self-reflection, and align LA with pedagogical intent and three themes falling under the category of caution including: skepticism, fear of overdependence, and question of usefulness. The model should enhance instructors’ use of learning analytics by enabling them to better take advantage of available technologies to support teaching and learning in online and blended learning environments. Researchers can further validate the model by studying its usability (i.e., usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, and learnability), as well as, how instructors’ use of this model to implement learning analytics in their courses affects retention, persistence, and performance.
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