Wherefore Art Thou MOOC: Defining Massive Open Online Courses


  • Stephanie J Blackmon William & Mary
  • Claire H. Major University of Alabama




MOOCs, online learning, typology


Although MOOCs are a much-discussed topic in higher education, these conversations do not often include details regarding the nuanced nature of these courses. What do we mean when we refer to MOOCs? In the current work, we not only delve into the variations of MOOCs, but more specifically, we put a typology we previously created into practice. Our goal with this work is not only to provide an extended categorization for MOOCs, but also to apply those categories to MOOCs that are currently advertised or already available.

Author Biographies

Stephanie J Blackmon, William & Mary

Stephanie J. Blackmon, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of Higher Education in the Educational Policy, Planning, & Leadership Department at William & Mary.

Claire H. Major, University of Alabama

Claire H. Major, Ph.D. is a professor of Higher Education and the chair of the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies at the University of Alabama.


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Special Conference Issue: AERA Online Teaching and Learning SIG