Increasing Undergraduate Success: A Randomized Controlled Trial of U-Pace Instruction


  • Raymond Fleming University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Laura E. Pedrick University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Leah Stoiber University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Sarah Kienzler University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Ryan R. Fleming University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Diane M. Reddy University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee



online learning, instructor support, mastery, student success, U-Pace instruction


U-Pace instruction, comprised of concept mastery and amplified assistance, has shown promise in increasing undergraduate success. To evaluate the efficacy of U-Pace instruction for students at-risk for college non-completion and students not at-risk and to determine whether concept mastery, amplified assistance, or both U-Pace components are responsible for the greater learning associated with U-Pace instruction, an experiment was conducted with four instructional conditions (U-Pace, Concept Mastery, Amplified Assistance, and Face-to-Face). At a public university, 914 undergraduates (576 at-risk) participated. U-Pace instruction produced greater learning than the comparisons. Additionally, U-Pace instruction produced greater academic success than Face-to-Face instruction. The percentage of final grades of A or B did not differ for Concept Mastery, Amplified Assistance, and U-Pace students. No interaction between instructional condition and risk status was found for final grades or learning. The efficacy of U-Pace instruction for both at-risk students and students not at-risk was supported.   



Author Biographies

Raymond Fleming, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Professor of Psychology

Laura E. Pedrick, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Special Assistant to the Provost and Executive Director of UWM Online

Leah Stoiber, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Psychology Research Associate

Sarah Kienzler, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Psychology Research Associate

Ryan R. Fleming, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Psychology Research Associate

Diane M. Reddy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


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