Do Student-Produced Videos Enhance Engagement and Learning in the Online Environment
Student engagement in online learning remains a challenge for the design of effective coursework. Additionally, few analyses have focused on student-produced activities in the online mode nor upon how such class activity affect student sub-groups differently. We conducted a randomized design experiment with student video production at a large public university. Student background and behavior factors were measured in two online surveys, which were combined with course assessment data. Because of the small sample size, we observe few significant differences in learning outcomes across the experiment treatment and control sections, except as regards to a value-added measure. We suggest that student learning was likely most-concentrated on concepts around which they produced the video. We find three sub-groups (those with lower-incoming GPAs, Hispanic ethnicity, and not having English as a primary language) expressed lower preparation for the online environment, with mixed engagement patterns. Final learning outcomes and grades remained lower for these groups both with and without the video treatment
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