Putting Theory into Practice: Incorporating a Community Engagement Model into Online Pre-professional Courses in Legal Studies and Human Resources Management
community engagement, service learning, experiential learning, online learning, student perceptions, legal studies, paralegal studies, human resources, human resources managementAbstract
As part of community-engaged educational partnerships, students are paired with community members in instructor-focused activities linked to an academic curriculum. Scholars widely agree that this type of approach can significantly improve the learning experience for students while simultaneously having a positive impact on the community. As faculty in higher education implement this pedagogical tool, it is a natural progression for it to expand into online classrooms. In particular, while there is a growing body of research related to community engagement in online healthcare and science-related fields, less research exists on the incorporation of community engagement in other types of online pre-professional courses. This paper explores student perceptions in online pre-professional undergraduate courses in the legal studies and human resources fields in which community engagement projects were utilized. These experiences should lead to a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of community-engaged online classrooms and give guidance for developing future projects.References
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