Scribe Hero: An Online Teaching and Learning Approach for the Development of Writing Skills in the Undergraduate Classroom
Online Learning, Writing, gamified learning,Abstract
This study examined whether or not writing skills could be taught to post-secondary students via online learning modules and what student perceptions of such a learning process were like. A pilot study of the modules developed—called Scribe Hero—was conducted in the Fall of 2017. Statistical analysis of quantitative data reveals an improvement in student writing skills following their engagement with the online learning modules. Thematic analysis of qualitative data revealed that the students were engaged by the experience, finding it educational and refreshingly different from in-class options. The feedback also suggested that user-friendly technology, tone of the online environment, incentivising meaningful feedback, and maintaining a sense of direct applicability of content are essential to capitalising on this sort of teaching and learning methodology. Overall, the findings of this small-scale research study support further development of this technology while also offering lessons that can be transferred to other contexts for teaching writing.References
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