Asynchronous Online Interaction, Meaningful Interaction, Guiding Strategies, Web-Based Learning EnvironmentAbstract
Because of the perceived advantages and the promotion of Web-based learning environments (WBLEs) by commercial interests as well as educational technologists, knowing how to develop and implement WBLEs will probably not be a choice, but a necessity for most educators and trainers in the future. However, many instructors still don’t understand the most effective strategies for designing and implementing effective WBLEs even though numerous studies have demonstrated that the success or failure of online learning depends largely on the quality of interaction within those learning environments. Indeed, it has been said learning is impossible without meaningful cognitive interaction. However, this kind of interaction does not occur by itself. The primary goal of this paper is to explore the importance and characteristics of meaningful interaction in online learning, especially in asynchronous contexts. A secondary goal of this paper is to present several pragmatic strategies for improving meaningful interactions in WBLEs on the basis of a review of relevant research literature.
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