
  • Y. Steimberg
  • J. Ram
  • R. Nachmia
  • A. Eshel



Participation, Test Preparation, Discussion Groups, Question Pool, Achievement


This research examines classroom-based student participation in online discussion groups while preparing for a test, as well as the relation between the type of participation and student achievement. The online discussion groups were set up towards particular tests in a large-scale course, Introduction to Ecology, during the academic years of 2004 (N=99) and 2005 (N=72). They were intended to be a virtual meeting place for students to exchange information related to a question pool, when no face-to-face meetings with the teachers take place. The results indicate that a high percentage of the students who take the test (85%) participate in the discussion groups. Mixed results were found regarding the relations between the participation in the discussion and achievements. Based on the quantitative data and interviews with students we outline recommendations with regard to the effective use of discussion groups for supporting students in their preparation for tests.


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Empirical Studies