CyberProf - An Intelligent Human-Computer Interface for Interactive Instruction on the World Wide Web
Problem Set Editor, Assignment Maker, Gradebook, Network TAAbstract
Advances in computer technology and the human-computer interface have created a wealth of new opportunities for the development of computer-based instruction and intelligent tutoring systems. Unfortunately, much of the material currently available amounts to little more than "electronic books," in which learning is still accomplished by reading text and viewing two dimensional images. This paper describes the features of CyberProf - an interactive, World Wide Web-based teaching system developed at the University of Illinois. Using CyberProf, instructors can create on-line lecture notes that include equations, animations, and graphics; write online interactive homework problems; communicate with students using CyberProf’s Web-based conferencing system; survey students in order to receive feedback on course material; and record student grades in CyberProf’s online gradebook. Students can review lecture notes 24 hours a day; complete homework problems on the Web and receive immediate intelligent feedback to their answers; use the conferencing system to post questions to their instructor, teaching assistants, and peers; and review their grades in the class at any time.
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