A Multi-Institutional Study of Factors Influencing Faculty Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning
factor analysis, satisfaction, online learning, student-student interaction, student-faculty interaction, student-materials interactionAbstract
Faculty satisfaction is an essential component in an online teaching and learning environment. The researchers of the current quantitative study identified factors that influence online instructors’ satisfaction at 10 different four-year public and private higher education institutions in the state of Ohio. The researchers also validated the modified OFSS-R survey (Blundell, 2015) within the study. The participants (N = 382), were faculty members who taught fully online at the 10 institutions. Results of the study revealed that instructor satisfaction was influenced by three main factors: (1) the instructor-student interaction; (2) the role of technology; and (3) the institutional support. Study results also revealed that the OFSS-R survey is valid and reliable measurement of perceived faculty satisfaction in a fully online environment.
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