Optimizing the Technological Design of a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment


  • Lauren Angelone Xavier University
  • Zachary Warner University of Cincinnati
  • Janet Mannheimer Zydney University of Cincinnati




blended synchronous learning, web conferencing, co-presence, social presence, qualitative case study


Blended synchronous learning has the potential to increase students’ co-presence and improve upon the flexibility and accessibility of course offerings if designed well.  However, this method of instruction has yet to realize that potential.  This exploratory study used qualitative methods to iteratively design, assess, and refine the technological design of a blended synchronous learning environment to improve the experience for students and instructors.  Across three iterations, a combination of qualitative data collection and analysis procedures were used to examine the influence of design decisions on the experiences of the instructor and students.  The findings resulted in a set of design recommendations that can serve as a guide for future research on the effective design of blended synchronous learning environments.

Author Biographies

Lauren Angelone, Xavier University

Zachary Warner, University of Cincinnati

Janet Mannheimer Zydney, University of Cincinnati


Author (2012). To be added following blind review

Author (2019). To be added following blind review.

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