Piloting Learning Analytics in a Multidisciplinary Online Program
learning analytics, online learning, online programs, technology implementationAbstract
Learning analytics is a recent innovation that holds promise for improving retention in fully online programs. However, only a few case studies exist to show models for and outcomes of the implementation of learning analytics systems. This paper reports on a learning analytics implementation in a fully online, multidisciplinary program designed for nontraditional students using a pilot planning group with stakeholders from various roles. The processes for selecting reports, creating communication structures, and evaluating outcomes are outlined. Overall, faculty and advisors were positive about the project and found the reports to be helpful. The results suggest that the actions most often triggered by learning analytics reports were emails to students. Evaluation results suggest that the implementation of the learning analytics program and the interventions enacted had a positive impact on student success, though we acknowledge that it is difficult to isolate the impact of the learning analytics tool itself. We also address several challenges that came along with the implementation of learning analytics including understanding the efficacy of interventions, data security, and ethics.
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