Exploring the Use of Digital Technologies from the Perspective of Diverse Learners in Online Learning Environments


  • Alex Kumi-Yeboah University at Albany- State University of New York
  • Anthony Sallar Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration
  • Lydiah Kananu Kiramba University of Nebraska –Lincoln, Nebraska USA
  • Yanghyun Kim University at Albany, State University of New York




digital technologies, diverse learners, constructivism, collaborative online learning, social network tools, multicultural content resources


This qualitative study explored digital technologies that promote educational experiences and achievements of culturally diverse learners via interviews with 46 culturally and linguistically diverse students across different academic programs. A qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews was used to collect the data for the study. The analysis of the data identified that digital technologies, multimedia presentations, and social network tools facilitate educational experiences and achievements of participants in asynchronous online learning environments. Participants applied digital technologies to navigate the Learning Management Systems (LMS) to engage and contribute to knowledge creation to achieve better academic success in online context. Findings support the need for online instructors to incorporate digital technologies to facilitate academic engagement and achievements of students from diverse backgrounds in online learning.



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