Exploring Student Perceptions of Flipgrid in Online Courses





Video, Asynchronous Video, Interaction, Engagement, Discussions, Social Presence, Connectedness


Asynchronous video-based discussions have affordances that can address some of the constraints of asynchronous text-based discussions. However, little research has been conducted on the use of asynchronous video-based discussions in online courses. As a result, the purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate students’ perceptions of using Flipgrid for asynchronous video-based discussions in fully online courses. We used a cross-sectional survey design to survey 79 students who used Flipgrid in a fully online course. Students overall reported that they liked using Flipgrid, it was easy to use, and that it helped improve social presence. In this paper, we will report the results of our inquiry and implications for research and practice.

Author Biographies

Patrick R. Lowenthal, Boise State University

Patrick R. Lowenthal, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Boise State University, where he teaches master’s and doctoral students in fully online graduate programs. He researches how people communicate using emerging technologies—with a specific focus on issues of presence, identity, and community online.

Robert L. Moore, Old Dominion University

Robert L. Moore is an assistant professor of instructional design & technology at Old Dominion University. Prior to this position, Dr. Moore was the lead instructional designer with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Government (2010-2018). Dr. Moore's research focuses on improving student engagement and learning in distance education settings by examining design and development of online learning environments (OLEs) and the role of analytics in examining student engagement in OLEs. Dr. Moore earned his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from North Carolina State University. He also holds a Masters of Project Management from Western Carolina University, an M.S. in instructional technology from East Carolina University, and a B.A. in political science from UNC-Chapel Hill.


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