The Effects of E-Learning on Students’ Motivation to Learn in Higher Education




Internal consistency, key aspects of e-learning, motivation to learn, higher education.


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions worldwide to adopt e-learning. UAE higher education institutions have implemented e-learning systems and programs to cope with this unprecedented situation. This paper measured the strength of association between key aspects of e-learning systems and programs and students’ motivation to learn in Ajman University (AU). Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was used to test the internal consistency reliability of key aspects of e-learning (EL-8) and students’ motivation to learn (SML-16). Exploratory factor analysis was used to test the validity of, and coherence of patterns in, the data. Parametric and non-parametric methods were used to investigate the strength of association between key aspects of e-learning and students’ motivation to learn in AU. The results indicated that motivation variables were more strongly correlated with both e-teaching materials and e-assessments key aspects relative to others such as e-discussion, and e-grade checking and feedback.

Author Biographies

Elgilani Elshareif, Canadian University Dubai

Faculty of Management, Professor

Elfadil Abdalla Mohamed, Ajman University

IT department, College of Engineering and  IT, Assistant Professor


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