Student Perspectives of Online Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
online instruction, student perspectives, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
This exploratory study explores an array of student perceptions regarding their online learning experience. In the present circumstances where the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all fields of life, most educational institutions have resorted to online instruction and virtual meetings. The present study explored the variables contributing to student satisfaction with online teaching and learning effectiveness. Data were collected through an online survey. Python with Scikit-Learn was used for data analysis to implement regression functions and classify the data. The results of the study defined effective online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. In combination, eight criteria contributed to the definition: motivating students to accomplish, communicating effectively, meeting students' needs, providing access to a wide range of content, providing a well-organized course structure, providing numerous sources, providing explanatory feedback, and facilitating meaningful discussions. The results of the study are beneficial to understand what kind of factors contribute to student satisfaction concerning online transition during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will also help them develop a future support plan to help youth cope with virtual classes and online instruction.
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