Academic Performance in Distance Education: Quizzes as a Moderator Variable and Students’ Perception and Expectation through Linguistic Analysis
Academic performance, Learning virtual platform, Linguistic analysis, QuizzesAbstract
This study sheds light on the relation between assessment modalities and student behavior through linguistics styles, and academic performance. First, we examine the effect of assessment modalities (self-evaluation quizzes and summative quizzes) on academic performance. Using two modalities of online quizzes, we mainly focus on the student participation, student behavior (the work pacing and time management), type of assessment, and student characteristics. Second, we analyze the student behavior through linguistic styles and third, we examine the levels of anxiety and the expectation of success during the course. Specifically, we compare the linguistic styles of high performing students and low performing students and changes in anxiety levels and expectation of success. Methodologically, this study includes a static and dynamic perspective and combines quantitative analysis with a qualitative approach. The participants are students enrolled in Managerial Accounting for Tourism course in the academic year 2019–2020. The results show that both quizzes modalities are positively associated with academic performance. The linguistic analysis shows differences in the language between high performing students and low performing students. Finally, a pattern of changes on the students’ expectations of success and levels of anxiety are identified during the course.
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