Teaching Presence in Online Courses: Similar Perceptions but Different Experiences from Multiple Instructor Perspectives


  • Murat Turk The University of Oklahoma
  • Ali Ceyhun Muftuoglu The University of Oklahoma
  • Sinem Toraman Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center




teaching presence, Community of Inquiry, online learning, online teaching


Online course instructors’ perceptions and perspectives regarding their teaching presence as a key presence in online learning environments significantly influence, if not determine, their online teaching practices, which in turn influence the quality of online students’ learning experiences. Although gaining deeper insights into online course instructors’ perceptions and experiences of teaching presence is quite important and valuable for online education, there is still limited qualitative inquiry into this critical presence across diverse online teaching contexts. The purpose in this qualitative, multiple case study was to explore and understand online course instructors’ perceptions and experiences regarding their own presence in their online courses. We explored the perceptions and experiences of eight course instructors teaching undergraduate and graduate-level online courses at a midwestern U.S. college. Our findings indicated that teaching presence was uniformly considered important and necessary by the instructors although their applications and priorities regarding their teaching presence varied. We discussed our themes that emerged from our interview data and offered several theoretical and practical implications regarding teaching presence in online learning environments.

Author Biographies

Murat Turk, The University of Oklahoma

PhD candidate in Instructional Psychology and Technology program at Educational PsychologyDepartment at the University of Oklahoma. My research interests are communities of inquiry in online learning environments, online learner motivation and engagement.

Ali Ceyhun Muftuoglu, The University of Oklahoma

PhD student in Instructional Psychology and Technology program at Educational PsychologyDepartment at the University of Oklahoma.

Sinem Toraman, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

PhD in Research methodology specializing in mixed methods research. Research Fellow in the Division of Emergency Medicine Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.


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