Establishing a Student Evaluation of Online Teaching and Learning Framework Through Analysis of Existing Instruments
student evaluation, online teaching and learning, instrument development and validationAbstract
This study aims to establish a framework for student evaluation of online teaching and learning (SEOTL) through an analysis of SEOTL instruments implemented by universities and colleges. From a list of 131 R1 and 135 R2 institutions, we searched, reviewed, and identified 27 instruments for student evaluation of online teaching. A five-dimensional evaluation framework with 24 categories of elements was developed through an analysis of these instruments. There were 278 evaluation elements among the 27 instruments. We found that most instruments focus more on the Course and Instructor dimensions, with Instructor Facilitation and Learning Goals and Objectives elements occurring most frequently. However, Organization and Technology dimensions with Advising Availability and Adequacy, Registration Procedures, Support Services, and Online Help Desk elements were least included. This study has implications for administrators, instructors, instructional designers, and students.
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