Faculty Transition Strategies from In Person to Online Teaching: Qualitative Investigation for Active Learning


  • Merve Basdogan Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
  • Tracey Birdwell Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA




Transfer practices, core space, shared space, augmented space, active learning, faculty development, active learning classrooms, online learning, design.


In this qualitative case study, we investigated how active learning strategies discussed and practiced in the face-to-face classroom context were transferred to an online modality by four faculty fellows of Indiana University’s Mosaic Faculty Fellows Program. This program is intended to support faculty members’ perception of how classroom space influences approaches to active learning. In 2020, all faculty members had to transition their courses online, and the semi-structured interview findings of this study showed that faculty members used three online space types to support the continued use of active learning approaches when transitioning to online: (1) core space to replicate existing practices (e.g., video conference and text), (2) shared space to supplement existing practices, and (3) augmented space to transform existing practices (e.g., activities that merge the physical world and online space). We concluded that preparing faculty members to effectively use active learning approaches in in-person classrooms can also guide active learning approaches in online teaching environments. The study also discussed the need for professional development programs that address support for active learning in different modalities by considering augmented space and its impact on student engagement.

Author Biography

Merve Basdogan, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA

Merve Basdogan is a postdoctoral research associate in Learning Spaces within the University Information Technology Service (UITS) unit of Indiana University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Instructional Systems Technology, with a minor in Educational Psychology at Indiana University. Her dissertation research focused on a critical analysis of open and distance education concepts from a post-phenomenological perspective.

Merve’s current research interest is “Philosophy of Technology.” More specifically, the nature of technology, the methods for studying technology, and discussions about the impact of technology on society and culture are among her scholarship.


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