Teaching and Learning with AI-Generated Courseware: Lessons from the Classroom


  • Kersten T. Schroeder University of Central Florida
  • Martha Hubertz University of Central Florida
  • Rachel Van Campenhout VitalSource Technologies
  • Benny G. Johnson VitalSource Technologies




Teaching and Learning, Engagement, Learning Outcomes, Courseware, Learn by Doing


While research in the learning sciences has spurred advancements in educational technology, the implementation of those learning resources in natural learning contexts advances teaching and learning. In this paper, two faculty members at the University of Central Florida used courseware generated with artificial intelligence as the primary learning resource for their students. The selection and enhancement of this courseware is contextualized for each course. Instructor implementation practices over multiple semesters are described and related to resulting student engagement and exam scores. Finally, benefits of the adaptive courseware are discussed not only for student outcomes, but the qualitative changes faculty identified and the impact that iterative changes in teaching practice had on instructors as well as students.



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2022 OLC Conference Special Issue