The Influence of Collaboration, Participation, and Experience on Undergraduate Learner Engagement in the Online Teaching-Learning Environment




Online learning, undergraduate learners, learners’ perceptions, learner engagement.


This study aimed to investigate the factors that influenced undergraduate learners’ engagement in the online environment in higher education institutions in the UAE. This quantitative study used an online survey that was distributed to undergraduate students at three universities in the UAE. Altogether, 126 responses were received, coded, and prepared for analysis. The findings indicated that the participants’ engagement levels in the online environment were influenced by their collaboration, learning opportunities, utilization of educational technology, and the learners’ relationships with their instructors and colleagues. The results also showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between the learners’ participation in online activities and their engagement levels. These findings have pedagogical implications in dealing with the complex and dynamic nature of the construct called learner engagement in the online environment and suggest providing undergraduate learners with real-life learning opportunities to enhance their collaboration, use of technology, and effective communication.

Author Biographies

Nour Al Okla, United Arab Emirates University

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

PhD Scholar

Eman Ahmed Rababa, United Arab Emirates University

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education PhD Scholar

Shashidhar Belbase, College of Education, United Arab Emirates University

Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ghadah Al Murshidi, United Arab Emirates University

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education Associate Professor


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