May the Force Be With You JedAI: Balancing the Light and Dark Sides of Generative AI in the Educational Landscape




Generative AI, much like the Force in Star Wars, wields significant power, capable of immense good or potential harm depending on its application. This editorial indicates the dual nature of generative AI within educational contexts, drawing parallels to the light and dark sides of the Force. Generative AI's proficiency in language manipulation positions it as a transformative tool in education, yet its influence must be managed wisely. The evolution of AI mirrors the advent of personal computers, suggesting a future where individuals may have personal AI assistants tailored to their needs. This speculative future poses critical questions about the balance of force between humans and AI. This editorial along with articles published in the special issue urge critical reflection on our current path and the decisions that will shape the future of AI in education.

Author Biography

Aras Bozkurt, Anadolu University

Aras Bozkurt is a researcher and faculty member in the Department of Distance Education, Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey. He holds MA and PhD degrees in distance education. Dr. Bozkurt conducts empirical studies on distance education, open and distance learning, online learning,  networked learning, and educational technology to which he applies various critical theories, such as connectivism, rhizomatic learning, and heutagogy. He is also interested in emerging research paradigms, including social network analysis, sentiment analysis, and data mining. He shares his views on his Twitter feed @arasbozkurt



2024-06-01 — Updated on 2024-06-03




Online and Blended Learning in the Age of Generative AI