Relationships Between Minority Students Online Learning Experiences and Academic Performance
Minority students, satisfaction, social media, use of technology, academic performance, self-regulated learning, and self-confidence.Abstract
The study investigated the relationship between minority students’ use of technology, social media, the number of online courses, program of study, satisfaction, and academic performance. Participants in the study were a diverse student body regarding age, gender, and educational level, and functioned at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Chi-square tests were used to find the relationship between participants’ online learning experiences and academic performance. Results showed that satisfaction and use of social media had no relationship with the academic performance of participants. However, a relationship existed between the use of technology, the number of courses in online, program of study, and academic performance. Categories that emerged from the open-ended questions were flexibility and time convenience, self-confidence, lack of support, self-regulated learning skills, and language and linguistic differences. The authors concluded that varying factors such as cultural, language, personal, and efficacy skills facilitated the academic performance of minority students in an online learning environment. This study reiterates the importance of establishing multicultural presence in an online course and suggests best pedagogical methods for teaching minority students in an online course.References
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