Course Management System’s Compatibility with Teaching Style Influences Willingness to Complete Training
Higher Education Faculty Members, Course Management System, Technology Adoption, Educational Technology, Faculty Training and Development, Diffusion of Innovation TheoryAbstract
Although course management systems (CMSs) provide technology platforms that help faculty members adopt better techniques for teaching and learning, and training contributes to faculty information technology (IT) use, many higher education faculty members do not complete CMS training programs, resulting in underuse of CMSs. Therefore, the overall purpose of this research was to address how instructor perceptions influence willingness to complete IT training on CMSs, and to discern techniques university administrators can implement to improve training completion rates and, ultimately, CMS adoption rates. The basic design of the study was a cross-sectional survey. Data were obtained from 102 public university faculty members who responded to an anonymous, web-based survey about their perceptions of the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of their institution’s CMS. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression models. Compatibility, defined as the degree to which instructors perceive the CMS as being consistent with their existing values, past experiences, and current or future teaching needs, was statistically significantly associated with willingness to complete online and in-person CMS training after controlling for other factors. Major findings suggest that faculty training on the CMS is not “one size fits all.” If greater use of CMSs by faculty is to be achieved, university administrators should consider compatibility of teaching style with CMS adoption when developing and promoting CMS training.References
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