Analytics Research and Case Studies in Online Learning


  • Karen Vignare KV Consulting
  • Patsy Moskal University of Central Florida



Learning analytics, academic analytics, online learning, retention, progression



Author Biography

Karen Vignare, KV Consulting

Karen Vignare, Ph.D., runs a consulting focused on online learning, use of analytics, emerging technologies, and student success. She previously served as Vice Provost, the Center for Innovation in Learning and Student Success at University of Maryland University College (UMUC) leading the search and evaluation for next generation learning models. Dr. Vignare was responsible for identifying innovations and collaboratively implementing pilots with core teams at UMUC. She has been part of the online learning field for over 15 years. Karen has published research on online learning in areas such as business models, serving special populations, open education, blended learning, corporate training and data organization. She has a Ph.D. from Nova Southeastern University and a M.B.A from the University of Rochester’s William Simon School of Business.


Avella, J. T., Kebritchi, M., Nunn, S.G. & Kanai, T. (2016). Learning analytics methods, benefits, and challenges in higher education: A systematic literature review. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

West, D., Heath, D. & Huijser, H. (2016). Let’s talk learning analytics: A framework for implement in relation to student retention. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Jabar, S. I., & Albion, P. R., (2016). Assessing the reliability of merging Chickering and Gamson’s seven principles for good practice with Merrill’s different levels of instructional strategy (DLISt7). In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

James, S., Swan, K. & Datson, S. (2016). Retention, Progress and the Taking of Online Courses. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Wilson, M., Scalise, K. & Gochyvev, P. (2016). The assessment of learning in digital interaction social networks: A learning analytics approach. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Nadasen, D & List, A. (2016). Using community college prior academic performance to predict re-enrollment at a four-year online university. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Phirangee, K., Demmans Epp, C. & Hewitt, J. (2016). Exploring the relationships between facilitation methods, students’ sense of community, and their online behaviors. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Wise, A. F., Vytaske, J. M., Hausknecht, S. & Zhao, Y. (2016). Developing learning analytics design knowledge in the ‘Middle Space’: The student tuning model. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).

Poitras, E.G., Naismith, S. M., Doleck, T. & Lajoie, S. P. (2016). Using learning analytics to identify medical student misconception in an online virtual patient environment. In Vignare, K., Moskal, P., Wise, A.F. & Pistilli, M. (Editors). Special Issue on Online Learning Analytics. Online Learning Journal. Vol. 20 (2).





