Student Predisposition to Instructor Feedback and Perceptions of Teaching Presence Predict Motivation Toward Online Courses


  • Andrew William Cole University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Christopher Anderson University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Thomas Bunton University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Maura R. Cherney University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Valerie Cronin Fisher University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
  • Richard Draeger, Jr. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
  • Michelle Featherston University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
  • Laura Motel University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Kristine M. Nicolini University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
  • Brittnie Peck University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Mike Allen University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee



Feedback, teaching presence, student motivation, online courses, instructor-student communication


As debates over the value and effectiveness of online courses continue, more research is needed to assist in identifying predictors of positive student outcomes in online courses. Building from previous research in Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) and the Community of Inquiry framework (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001; Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 1999), this study sought to identify predictors of student motivation toward online courses. Results from a hierarchical multiple regression, using data from 170 online undergraduate students, suggest that student predisposition to receiving instructor feedback and student perceptions of teaching presence provide strong prediction of student motivation toward online courses.

Author Biographies

Andrew William Cole, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Pilot Evaluation and Research Specialist in the Learning Technology Center

Christopher Anderson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Thomas Bunton, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Maura R. Cherney, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Valerie Cronin Fisher, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Richard Draeger, Jr., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Michelle Featherston, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Laura Motel, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Kristine M. Nicolini, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Assistant Professor in the Journalism Department.

Brittnie Peck, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Doctoral Student in the Department of Communication.

Mike Allen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Professor in the Department of Communication.


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