Examining Interactive and Metacognitive Processes in Student Learning: Findings from a Hybrid Instructional Environment


  • Shelly Meyers Stockton University
  • Linda Feeney Stockton University




hybrid, metacognition, synchronous communication, asynchronous communication


This study examines the interaction behaviors and metacognitive behaviors of graduate students in the online portion of a flipped classroom. For their time outside the face to face classroom, students were given the choice of two online methods for their interactions -- synchronous verbal discussions and asynchronous written discussions. Students were provided a detailed outline for their discussions. Discussions were analyzed and interactive and metacognitive behaviors were categorized and counted. Interaction behaviors and metacognitive behaviors were present in both environments. Synchronous verbal discussions were found to include significantly more interaction behaviors in five of six categories. There was no significant difference in the number of metacognitive behaviors. Students demonstrated the same level of learning behaviors in both environments.

Author Biographies

Shelly Meyers, Stockton University

Associate Professor of Education

Linda Feeney, Stockton University

Director of E-Learning Adjunct Instructor, School of Business


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Invited Papers / 2015 OLC Conference Special Issue