Thematic Patterns in International Blended Learning Literature, Research, Practices, and Terminology


  • Kristian J Spring Brigham Young University
  • Charles R Graham Brigham Young University



Blended learning, Hybrid learning, International, Literature review, Themes, ResearchAmong the top cited articles there are strong similarities in blended learning research processes, practice, terminology, and focus. The goal of this research was to disc


Among the top cited articles there are strong similarities in blended learning research processes, practice, terminology, and focus. The goal of this research was to discover and compare the themes of the top articles on blended learning from different regions of the world. There are small differences between the top articles in each region and the top articles in general, but they follow largely similar patterns, which indicates that themes do not need to hinder collaboration and exchange between regions and that the most cited articles from around the world could fit well within the topical, research, and publication practices of the field at large. Our results suggest that although different regions must have their own nuances and needs, they have much in common and considerable potential to learn from one another and even collaborate on shared interests.

Author Biographies

Kristian J Spring, Brigham Young University

Kristian J Spring is a PhD student in Instructional Psychology and Technology. Her interests include blended and open learning.

Charles R Graham, Brigham Young University

Charles R. Graham studies technology-mediated teaching and learning, focussing on the design and evaluation of blended and online learning environments. He also researches the use of technology to enhance traditional teaching and learning. He has coauthored four books on blended learning. His current research publications can be found online at


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