Graduate Students Rate Institutional Websites: The Must Have, Nice to Have, and Delighted to Have Services Katrina A Meyer and Stephanie J Jones Thought-Leaders in Asynchronous Learning Environments Jim Waters Early Participation in Asynchronous Writing Environments and Course Success Scott Warnock, Kenneth Bingham, Dan Driscoll, Jennifer Fromal, and Nicholas Rouse Reading Between the Lines of Online Course Evaluations: Predictable Actions that Improve Student Perceptions of Teaching Effectiveness and Course Value Stephanie J Jones The Identification of Competencies for Online Teaching Success Paula Mae Bigatel, Lawrence C Ragan, Shannon Kennan, Janet May, and Brian F Redmond Enrollment in Distance Education Classes in 2008 is Associated with Fewer Enrollment Gaps Among Independent Undergraduate Students in the US Manuel Cosmas Pontes, Nancy Marie Hurley Pontes A Synthesis of Sloan-C Effective Practices, December 2011 Janet C Moore