Archives - Page 3

  • 2015

  • 2014

  • 2013

  • Vol. 17 No. 2 (2013)

    This is a special issue on the Use of Open Educational Resources in Rural and Hard-to-Reach Areas
  • Vol. 17 No. 1 (2013)

    Anita Crawley and Marie Fetzner, Editors
  • 2012

  • Vol. 16 No. 4 (2012)

    Blended Course Design: A Synthesis of Best Practices Patricia McGee Abby Reis Multidimensional Assessment of Blended Learning: Maximizing Program Effectiveness Based on Student and Faculty Feedback Orly Calderon Amy Patraka Ginsberg Liz Ciabocchi Using a Generalized Checklist to Improve Student Assignment Submission Times in an Online Course Terence Cavanaugh Marcia L. Lamkin Haihong (Helen) Hu A Comparison of Non-Mandatory Online Dialogic Behavior in Two Higher Education Blended Environments Paul Gorsky Avner Caspi Ina Blau Interaction in an Asynchronous Online Course: a Synthesis of Quantitative Predictors Daniel Zingaro Murat Oztok Interpersonal Interaction in Online Learning: Experienced Online Instructors’ Perceptions of Influencing Factors Cindy S. York Jennifer C. Richardson
  • Vol. 16 No. 3 (2012)

    A Special Issue on Learning Analytics
  • Vol. 16 No. 1 (2012)

    Graduate Students Rate Institutional Websites: The Must Have, Nice to Have, and Delighted to Have Services Katrina A Meyer and Stephanie J Jones Thought-Leaders in Asynchronous Learning Environments Jim Waters Early Participation in Asynchronous Writing Environments and Course Success Scott Warnock, Kenneth Bingham, Dan Driscoll, Jennifer Fromal, and Nicholas Rouse Reading Between the Lines of Online Course Evaluations: Predictable Actions that Improve Student Perceptions of Teaching Effectiveness and Course Value Stephanie J Jones The Identification of Competencies for Online Teaching Success Paula Mae Bigatel, Lawrence C Ragan, Shannon Kennan, Janet May, and Brian F Redmond Enrollment in Distance Education Classes in 2008 is Associated with Fewer Enrollment Gaps Among Independent Undergraduate Students in the US Manuel Cosmas Pontes, Nancy Marie Hurley Pontes A Synthesis of Sloan-C Effective Practices, December 2011 Janet C Moore
  • 2011

  • Vol. 15 No. 4 (2011)

    Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks Volume 15 Issue 4 November 2011 Special Issue: The Transformational Impact of Learning Technology Editors: Martin Hall, Mike Kepell, and John R. Bourne Originally published in ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3, November 2010
  • Vol. 15 No. 3 (2011)

    With Guest Editors, Deb Gearhart, Philip McNair and Kathleen Shulin, JALN 15.3 addresses innovations in online education for military students. It also includes articles of general interest--qualitative and empirical studies and cultural perspectives.
  • Vol. 15 No. 2 (2011)

    With recent advancements in computing power and data mining techniques, an age of large scale, continuous assessment, at-risk student intervention, outcome prediction, and learning environment redesign has dawned. This panel will explore how emerging data driven decision making systems will impact students, faculty, institutions, and the global learning landscape. Innovative next generation technology will enable a level of detail in course design and curricular improvement coupled with increased personalization of the learning experience. Kaplan University shares practices in development: The Course Level Assessment (CLA) program specifies learning outcomes supported by rubrics at the course level. Data collected on student performance on learning outcomes identifies problems with the teaching, the learning, and/or the course design feeding a continuous improvement cycle. A learning recognition, assessment, and portability platform enables the learner to customize her degree plan and maximize her placement towards the degree, avoiding redundant learning. All three examples illuminate the deeper point that through technology enables a level of granularity about the teaching-learning process that leads to consistent, reliable, and valid assessment of learning wherever and whenever it occurs. And it is this consistent, reliable, and valid assessment of learning outcomes at the course and program levels that will define academic quality in the 21st century as we drive towards mass post-secondary education. As computing power continues to increase, the use of data driven decision making in higher education is becoming more prevalent. This issue explores how new technologies are being deployed and the impact that they have on retention, progression, learning outcomes and the construction of ever more sophisticated learning environments. Topics include data mining strategies, applications for eLearning, institutional barriers related to large scale analytics and next generation applications. The issue focuses on both implementation and administrative issues related to large scale data driven decision making in higher education.
  • Vol. 15 No. 1 (2011)

    Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks Volume 15 Issue 1 February 2011 A special issue on Transitioning to Blended Learning Edited by Gouri Banerjee and Anthony G. Picciano
  • 2010

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